关于举办2024年第七届“中国老员工5分钟科研英语演讲” 大赛初赛报名的通知

    2024-04-28 21:58:43 来源:betway必威          浏览数:0


  • 参赛对象


  • 参赛要求

  参赛作品是基于一个与自己专业相关或跨专业的课题项目,其中包括 1)团队成员已经完成或已发表的课题,2)团队成员正在做或打算开展的研究。研究方法一般采用实证研究方法收集数据,不接受介绍性或文献综述性类作品。

  1.研究报告或研究计划(附件1)。演讲作品是基于一篇用英语撰写的研究报告或研究计划。研究报告包括标题、摘要、引言、方法、结果、讨论和结论、致谢和参考文献等基本部分。长度不少于 2000 英语单词。研究计划包括标题、摘要、研究目的、研究意义、文献回顾、研究问题、拟采用方法、预期结果和参考文献。长度在 1500 词左右。评分标准见表2.




  --演讲使用PPT作为辅助材料,但页数不能超过7张。第一页是标题和团队成员姓名(不暴露学校名),最后一页是参考文献。其他 5 张分别为:研究背景,研究问题,研究方法,研究结果和讨论。PPT字体大小,图片设计从后排观众角度考虑。--演讲人需在视频中面对观众,保证95%以上时间是在与观众交流,而不是背对观众解释PPT。







  初赛时间内请将科研报告或研究计划、演讲视频、作品报名表发至qauspeech@126.com, 三个文件名称命名格式为团队组长姓名+科研报告(或演讲视频或作品报名表)。组委会将组织专家进行审评(两位语言教师,两位专业教师),并推荐优秀作品参加全国复赛。




  附件1 科研报告样板

  附件2 演讲稿样本

  附件3 大赛作品报名表


  附件2 演讲稿样本


  Dengue Detective

  Have you ever been bitten by mosquito? Naturally, they suck. And they bite and they make us itch. And more than that they transmit deadly diseases across the globe including dengue.

  In a year, three hundred and nineteen million people fall victim to dengue. That’s like sixteen times the population of Australia today. And seventy percent of the death caused by the virus are due to one reason: a delay in detection.

  I was a victim of dengue myself. Horrible experience. I had a high fever for three days. And the doctors, like the mosquito, took my blood again and again. And it was not until the fourth day that they can finally confirm that I had an infection and stop by treatment. By then I was already too weak even to drink on my own, and I had to put on drips for a whole week. I felt helpless and afraid but the worst part was having to witness other victims in my ward succumbed to dengue just because they were not treated in time. I was lucky to survive. And I felt that nobody should die from something as trivial as a mosquito bite, right? And so I dedicated my next few years of my life to find a solution. What I ’ve developed is a dengue sensor which is able to detect a virus more accurately and in need of much shorter time.

  Meet my dengue detective. It holds three basic components: light, anti-bodies and taped optical fiber which has not been used before. What we need of patient is one tiny drop of blood. Now let me tell you how it works. Envision an underwater glass tunnel. You know you once find a Aquarium exhibitions you walk through, the sharks and fish around you. Now visualize this taped optical fiber as that glass tunnel emerges in a patient’s blood sample. And on the surface of this fiber tunnel, I mobilize anti-bodies to capture the virus. Next I transmit light to travel through this fiber tunnel and indicate the presence and quantity of the virus. And dengue is detected and quantified.

  This dengue detective holds great promise. Let me tell you why. First, it is highly sensitive and reliable. Second, it is affordable for all clinics to use. Lastly and most importantly, it is able to reduce the detection time from 4 days to just 15 minutes, which gives dengue victims a greater chance to survive. This technology is a huge step forward in the future of dengue diagnosis.

  Mosquito will still suck, but this sensor would detect virus in time.












